290 utility relocation Crews progress on Hwy. 290 utility relocation in preparation for new overpass.[/caption] The Texas Department of Transportation is laying the groundwork on a Hwy. 6 overpass above Hwy. 290, set to be completed by the end of 2017. Construction on the four-lane bridge was initially set to start by the end of 2015, but right of way acquisition and utility relocations have pushed that date back to spring 2017, TxDOT Public Information Officer Karen Othon said. The project is meant to alleviate traffic at the intersection of Hwy. 290 and FM 1960/Hwy. 6, Othon said. Traffic needs at the heavily traveled area are not being met by the existing traffic signal, she said. “This significant amount of traffic at a single intersection creates severe congestion in the mornings, evenings and weekends,” she said. The overpass will have two lanes in each direction, allowing motorists to cross over Hwy. 290 without having to wait at that signal, Othon said. TxDOT is working with the contractor to keep the impact of preparation work to a minimum, Othon said. Drivers can expect periodic one-lane closures during the utility relocation process, she said. Once all utilities are relocated, construction will begin on the two-lane frontage roads along Hwy. 6 and FM 1960, which will provide access to businesses and neighborhoods. Following that, construction of the overpass will begin. Until then, the contractor will work to widen Hwy. 290 mainlanes to five lanes in each direction, Othon said. Northbound from Hwy. 6, the bridge will start north of Copper Grove Boulevard and continue over the Union Pacific Railroad, Hempstead Road, Hwy. 290 and Wortham Boulevard. The bridge will come down to grade before North Eldridge Parkway. Southbound from FM 1960, the bridge will start south of North Eldridge Parkway and continue over Wortham Boulevard, Hwy. 290, Hempstead Road and the Union Pacific Railroad. The bridge will come down to grade at Copper Grove Boulevard. Construction has already begun on the direct connector from Hwy. 6 northbound to Hwy. 290 inbound along the existing Hempstead Road, Othon said. It will allow morning commuters to bypass the signalized intersection at the Hwy. 290 frontage road, she said. “These improvements result in a separation of through traffic from traffic accessing businesses or connecting to Hwy. 290,” Othon said. “This separation of traffic not only reduces congestion and enhances safety, but also improves mobility at the intersection.” TxDOT holds meetings with Hwy. 290 business owners the first Tuesday of every month at 8:30 a.m. at the Houston First Church of God, 14400 Hwy. 290, Houston. Othon said an open house for residents and drivers to meet the construction team is also being planned. For up-to-date information on lane closures, visit www.my290.com.