Cy-Hope aids students through its Providing Opportunities Program, which helps students pay for dual credit courses, Advanced Placement tests and certification exams.

POP was founded in 2012, when Audre Levy, the president of Lone Star College-CyFair, noticed most students enrolled in dual credit programs at LSC-CyFair were upper-middle class.

“Audre noticed the demographics and wondered why economically disadvantaged students weren’t taking those courses,” Cy-Hope Executive Director Lynda Zelenka said. “Why weren’t these kids, who had the academic ability for these classes, taking them? It was the fees.”

Students have to be economically disadvantaged or under extenuating financial circumstances to take advantage of POP. They must have a letter from their teacher saying they are capable of completing the coursework.

Cy-Hope has contributed more than $115,000 in assistance through POP. Cy-Hope also contributes to Title I schools in need of support by providing items such as computer paper, tissues and writing utensils.

“Once the school year gets going, money is tight and teachers often have to purchase the supplies on their own,” she said. “We try to curb those expenses.”