State Rep. Lacey Hull, R-Houston, is running for re-election in the upcoming Nov. 5 general election against Democrat Stephanie Morales.

Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines or for style and clarity. For more information about voting in Harris County, visit

Lacey Hull (incumbent)

Experience: Current state representative, Houston native, graduated [Spring Branch] ISD schools and [University of Houston]

Occupation: Consulting analyst

Candidate Website:

Contact Information: 713-647-0042

Why are you running for this position, and what qualifies you for the role?

I am running for re-election to ensure my neighbors and constituents have common sense representation. Texans deserve a secure border, lower property taxes, safe communities and schools, and protecting our children from online predators.

What priorities do you have over the course of your term if elected?

Property taxes, inflation/cost of living, border security, funding education, protecting children online, fighting domestic violence and public safety are the top issues I hear as I knock doors in my district.

What are the biggest challenges facing public education, and how would you address them if elected?

I voted for significant funding increases for schools and teacher pay raises last session but opponents of the bill killed it. I will continue the fight to increase both.

How would you promote economic growth and job creation in the district?

Government doesn’t create jobs; local businesses do. I will continue to cut excessive regulations and red tape that harms local businesses and costs us jobs. This includes far-left tactics that harm our local oil and gas industry.

How do you plan to involve residents in the decision making process in the district?

My office and I work with residents on a daily basis. If you have questions or need assistance with a state agency, please call my office. We are happy to help.

Stephanie Morales

Experience: board member for Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association, member of [Spring Branch] ISD Finance Advocacy Team

Occupation: Lawyer

Contact Information: [email protected]

Why are you running for this position, and what qualifies you for the role?

I am running because our education system is a mess. As a child of a public school teacher and a graduate of public schools, I know we must do better.

What priorities do you have over the course of your term if elected?

Public education and safety are my top two priorities.

What are the biggest challenges facing public education, and how would you address them if elected?

Funding; the state is providing less and less money to our schools. I would work to try and find new ways to fund our schools.

How would you promote economic growth and job creation in the district?

I believe that we should allow gambling and legalize marijuana, and use the taxes generated to fund our schools and lower our property taxes.

How do you plan to involve residents in the decision making process in the district?

I am constantly out in the community; I attend school boards, PTA and community meetings. I have no plan to change when elected. People will always know where to find me to give input.