Democratic candidate Melissa McDonough is challenging Republican incumbent Wesley P. Hunt, who first won the seat in 2023.
Candidates were asked to limit their answers to 50 words and asked to address the question and not attack other candidates. Answers may have been cut or edited to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.
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Wesley P. Hunt (R), incumbent
U.S. Congressman
Candidate Website:
Why did you decide to run in this election?
I was born and raised in Houston, Texas. I am going to die in Houston, Texas. This is the community I love, and I want to save and protect it for my children and yours.
What is your top priority, if elected?
In the 42 years I have been alive, this is the worst inflation I have ever seen. My top priority is making life more affordable again for everyday Houstonians, Texans and Americans, which starts by unleashing American energy.
What do you think are the biggest challenges facing District 38?
The biggest challenges facing our district are runaway inflation, the historic border crisis, mass illegal migration and crime that has riddled our community.
What specific policies or initiatives do you propose to address the issues you’ve identified?
I have funded over $6.5 million in law enforcement projects to combat crime in Houston. I have never taken a single vote to increase deficit spending, which has led to hyperinflation. And this year, my bill HR 7377, which will lower energy prices, passed the House and Senate.
How do you plan to engage and listen to the needs of your constituents?
I have held over 30 town halls where I acutely listened to the issues of my friends and neighbors in TX-38. If elected again, I will continue hosting these events to ensure we take more of Houston to Washington. For Congressional updates, please visit Hunt.House.Gov.

Melissa McDonough (D)
Presiding judge, ballot board, signature verification, central count
Real estate brokerage owner
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
Why did you decide to run in this election?
With my two sons grown up and working for the Pentagon, I’m at a point in my story where it makes sense to respond to a higher calling. As a business owner with experience of advocating on the Hill, this is an opportunity to do our community’s work full time.
What is your top priority, if elected?
First things first: elect a Speaker (on the first try) and pass a budget (which the 118th has been unable to do). After that, we need to address health care for women, children, veterans and the elderly, reduce housing costs and fix the border situation.
What do you think are the biggest challenges facing District 38?
Recent extreme weather events show that flood mitigation and energy infrastructure are immediate threats to the residents and businesses of CD38. Housing costs have become a major issue since the pandemic. Funding of schools is a state issue, and Congress may be able to help.
What specific policies or initiatives do you propose to address the issues you’ve identified?
Codify Roe and protect physicians. Our health care quality is suffering because of the state abortion ban.; Extend veteran health care coverage to problems that arise beyond the five-year separation of duty.; Reduce housing costs by freeing up supply with tax incentives, such as tax breaks for widows and widowers.; Fund the border.
How do you plan to engage and listen to the needs of your constituents?
I plan on having one office in a federal building within CD38 to save on rent costs, and create a mobile office that can facilitate direct communication throughout the district.