Naressa MacKinnon
business and financial management, wife of a first responder, former volunteer firefighter
chief operating officer of a large neurological physician group
Why are you running for this position?
As a fiscally conservative resident of Cypress and wife of a First Responder, I have a deeply invested interest in equipping our ESD with the undeniably necessary tools to protect our community without imposing unnecessary tax increases. Given the current tax revenue and unencumbered reserves in the taxing unit's accounts at the end of the fiscal year, a discussion regarding lowering our current tax rate is in order.
How do you plan to ensure local emergency services can keep up with the region's population growth?
In response to our region's growing population, proactivity and educated forecasting are the keys to ensure prompt and effective service to our region. This includes proactive land acquisition and station building, equipment and fleet purchasing, adequate staffing and training, and working closely with community entities to predict and forecast our future needs.
What are some other challenges facing the district, and how would you address them if elected?
According to various studies, over two-thirds of first responders have experienced symptoms related to mental health conditions, including depression and PTSD. If elected, I'll work alongside my colleagues to create a robust mental health program that focuses on active coping skills for recovering from the traumatic experiences our first responders encounter, as well as stress management training, to reduce the risks of burnout, mental illnesses, and PTSD.

Scott DeBoer (incumbent)
10 years volunteer firefighter; two previous terms as ESD No. 9 commissioner; ESD No. 9 construction committee
low voltage construction supervisor
Contact Information:
[email protected]
Why are you running for this position?
I am running for re-election to continue the forward advancements ESD 9 has made during my previous terms. I am proud to say that during my previous terms we have lowered the tax rate, increased the Homestead exemption from 0% to 5%, increased the exemption for over 65 from $50,000 to $160,000, and increased the exemption for the disabled from $0 to $160,000. The ESD has increased capital assets for the district with additional fire stations, fire trucks and ambulances to meet the increasing needs of the Cy-Fair community, all while staying within budget. Morale in the department is high which translates to better service to the community.
How do you plan to ensure local emergency services can keep up with the region's population growth?
The current ESD board has been working to expand personnel for staffing stations and apparatus. We are working with local developers to include fire stations in their development plans from the beginning. We have set aside funds for future development in the department territory to make sure we do not have to take out loans and create debt.
What are some other challenges facing the district, and how would you address them if elected?
Personnel – Making sure we are attracting and keeping the best talent in a highly competitive market for Fire and EMS personnel. Service – Making sure that we are providing the best and most economical service for the Cy-Fair community. My goal is to keep property taxes for Harris County ESD No. 9 affordable. We have been able to provide both Fire and EMS (ambulance) services for under 6 cents where other ESDs are at the increased cap of 10 cents.

William David McDugle (incumbent)
17 years of fire service experience; current Harris County Emergency Services District No. 9 board member
fire service - district chief
Candidate Website:
Why are you running for this position?
I am running for re-election to continue the forward growth, mission and vision HCESD9 has made during my first term. I am proud to say that during my current term we as a collective board have been able to keep a lower tax rate, continue the Homestead exemption of 5%, exemption for over 65 of $160,000 and the exemption for disabled of $160,000. With the current leadership we have been able to continue to grow the department's capital assets and the personnel needs to support a rapidly growing community.
How do you plan to ensure local emergency services can keep up with the region's population growth?
The current HCESD9 board has been working with fire department command staff to make sure we are on pace with fire stations and personnel to keep up with growing district needs. We have been working with developers to make sure that we are in the planning of developments to make sure we have fire stations in the right areas to best serve the community. With the current leadership of the board and command staff we have been able to set aside funds to make sure future growth is made without creating debt.
What are some other challenges facing the district, and how would you address them if elected?
Some of the challenges facing the district is rapid growth, community needs, and personnel market. We as a board need to stay competitive in attracting the best fire and EMS personnel in today’s marketplace. With these challenges we need to make sure that we are serving the needs of the community and always striving to be good stewards of the community’s tax dollars.

Kevin W. Stertzel
former auditor for Ernst & Young; worked in high-level accounting positions for Black & Decker and W.R. Grace; currently engaged in investor protection for a federal financial regulator; served in the U.S. Army prior to professional career
certified public accountant
Why are you running for this position?
As a civil servant, I work to protect the public's financial investments. I believe I have a skill set that is useful to the ESD, to ensure taxpayer funds are managed properly and at the appropriate levels. I'm a fiscal conservative and want to ensure our community resources receive careful oversight, while judiciously ensuring our first responders have what they need to perform their critical roles.
How do you plan to ensure local emergency services can keep up with the region's population growth?
Based on publicly available minutes of meetings, it appears the ESD has maintained between $90-100 million of cash for at least the past couple years. As such, it appears the ESD has ample funding to address any significant population growth in our district. Perhaps the better question is, “Why is the ESD perpetually maintaining so much taxpayer money, in the absence of significant population growth?”
What are some other challenges facing the district, and how would you address them if elected?
It is unclear at this time what other challenges are facing the district. It appears from a financial standpoint, the ESD is capitalized to face any near-term challenges. Through robust engagement, I anticipate being informed of any such challenges and will address them as they arise. My goal is to develop long-term strategic plans to ensure the ESD meets the needs of the community and elevate the level of fiscal transparency.

Robert O. Paiva
35-plus years combination of military, corporate and consulting
Why are you running for this position?
I have a deep passion for our firefighters and first responders so this feels like a natural fit. In the Navy, all Sailors are trained to be firefighters. This is also the district that directly impacts my community so it would be directly serving my community. We must continue ensuring that our communities are well looked after and responsibly. Emergency services are very critical to that mission.
How do you plan to ensure local emergency services can keep up with the region's population growth?
This is something that requires further exploring. Certainly the 2020 Census has provided evidence that this is one of the nation's fastest growing areas. Responsibility to budget is one thing but to accurately forecast, that is paramount. The district appears healthy financially so it appears that immediate growth needs should be covered.
What are some other challenges facing the district, and how would you address them if elected?
All challenges require astute and responsible addressing. I am exploring the current state of the district now and don't feel I have enough information at this time to say I am completely apprised to current challenges beyond what has been provided publicly to date.

John Peart
Community Impact Newspaper was unable to reach this candidate by press time.
Community Impact Newspaper was unable to reach this candidate by press time.
Why are you running for this position?
Community Impact Newspaper was unable to reach this candidate by press time.
How do you plan to ensure local emergency services can keep up with the region's population growth?
Community Impact Newspaper was unable to reach this candidate by press time.
What are some other challenges facing the district, and how would you address them if elected?
Community Impact Newspaper was unable to reach this candidate by press time.

Tommy Balez (incumbent)
current ESD commissioner
senior vice president of sales and marketing
Candidate Website:
Why are you running for this position?
I want to continue the positive momentum our current board has created with the CFFD and continue to implement our long-term strategy for the district. I believe we have accomplished a lot over the last four years. We’ve recruited over a hundred full time emergency service personnel, added or rebuilt five stations, and begun construction of two new stations. This was all accomplished while lowering taxes and without the need to take on debt.
How do you plan to ensure local emergency services can keep up with the region's population growth?
Over the next decade Cy-Fair will grow to have a population the size of Denver. To meet those needs the current commissioners developed a long-term plan which includes the addition of 500 full time personnel, 10 new stations, and the purchase of all needed support equipment. Thanks to the work of our current board this plan can be implemented without the need for debt or higher taxes by utilizing funds set aside in past budgets.
What are some other challenges facing the district, and how would you address them if elected?
Property taxes continue to skyrocket. We must continue to be good stewards of taxpayer funds by pushing to lower taxes and increase homestead exemptions like we have done in the past. Retention of emergency services personnel will be a challenge due to the shortages created by the COVID pandemic. To retain and attract a world class team CFFD must continue to provide competitive wages, modern facilities, first class equipment, and in house training.