Chase West
Occupation: music producer
Experience: small-business owner, emergency medical services experience, CAPEX accounting management experience, bilingual
Cameron "Cam" Campbell
Candidate did not submit responses by press time.
Why are you running to represent House District 132?
CW: After the insurrection at the [U.S.] Capitol and the bills I saw being proposed and debated, I knew somebody had to stand up. The danger that many of these laws will cause to individual health care, people of color and hardworking families is already being seen. This is not the time to destroy the government. It is time to bring us back to what we once were.
What are the most important issues facing residents in your district, and how would you address them if elected?
CW: Most of my Republican constituents are worried about Democrats "taking their guns.” I am actually a pro [2nd Amendment] candidate who will fight for responsible gun ownership. Keyword, “responsible.” I believe that gun safing and trigger locking should be mandatory. Texas leads the nation in unreported lost and stolen guns as well as accidental shootings. Responsible gun owners should know where their guns are at all times & require them to report when a gun is lost or stolen.
What should the state government’s role be in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and helping communities recover?
CW: Common sense policies. I don't believe in a government [vaccine] mandate, but if an employer requires one, then I do believe that is their right. In terms of the governor, the governor should not have the power to tell businesses that they can't require their customers to wear a mask.
How might you prevent future flooding in the district?
CW: In Cypress, many of the new neighborhoods are being built around bodies of water with a higher than usual grade for the foundation. This is an innovative way to keep water out of homes, but what about the large swaths of commercial and lower income residential developments? A few measures that I propose are: the division of sewage water, installing water infiltration and attenuation systems, frequent maintenance of our sewage systems, and installation of permeable pavements and sidewalks.
What are your top priorities regarding voting rights and fair elections?
CW: As the state representative, I would fiercely push for a change in the Senate’s filibuster rules that have greatly weakened two important voters’ rights bills, the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act in the Texas Legislature. As well as focus on building a strong coalition and community under the two bills to fight against it.