Previous guidance allowed community members to sign up for a chance to speak between 5:30-5:50 p.m. on the day of the meeting. The updated policy requires patrons to register by noon on the day of the meeting. Registration opens the day board agendas are posted on the district website.
To comment on agenda items, patrons must click the “Register to Speak” link listed under the agenda item of interest and complete the speaker form in its entirety.
For the citizen participation portion of the agenda, in which meeting attendees may speak about topics not included in the agenda, patrons must also register online by noon the day of the meeting. Instead of selecting “Register to Speak” under an agenda item, patrons can select "Register to Speak" under the “Citizen Participation” heading on the agenda and complete the speaker form in its entirety.
Any registered speaker who is absent at the time of public comments and citizen participation will lose their chance to address the board at that meeting but can submit written comments to the board, according to the district's website.
Public comments are still capped at two minutes when there are 15 or fewer speakers. On items for which there are 16 or more speakers are registered, comments will be limited to one minute. Previous guidance for both agenda comments and citizen participation limited all comments to two minutes.
Citizen participation also maintains a two-minute cap when there are 15 or fewer speakers and limits speakers to one minute when there are 16 to 30 registered speakers. Should the number of speakers exceed 30 registrants, the date and timestamp of the registration form will be used to determine the 30 speakers for citizen participation.
The board will convene for its monthly work session Aug. 4 at 6 p.m., and the regular board meeting this month is scheduled for Aug. 8 at 6 p.m. See additional upcoming meeting dates here.
Review the policies on addressing the board here.