Officials with Cy-Fair ISD named Bleyl Middle School Principal Stacia Carew the first principal for Rowe Middle School on Wednesday, Nov. 13, according to a press release.

The district’s 19th middle school is currently under construction and slated to open in time for the 2020-21 school year next to Cypress Park High School off Westgreen Boulevard in Cypress. Rowe is expected to enroll about 1,350 students.

With 22 years of education experience, Carew began her career in Aldine ISD as a sixth-grade language arts teacher, where she also served as a Title I coordinator, testing coordinator and curriculum assistant principal.

She moved to CFISD in 2007 as an assistant principal at Aragon Middle School before becoming an assistant principal at Cypress Woods High School. Carew has served as Bleyl’s principal since 2009.

Carew received her Bachelor of Science in elementary education from Sam Houston State University and her Master of Education in administration from the University of Houston. She has participated in the Principal Visioning Institute and recently completed the Texas ASCD Transformative Principal Leadership Academy, according to the release.

“It is a true honor to be given the opportunity to be the inaugural principal of Rowe Middle School,” Carew said in a statement. “I am eager to meet the students, family and community and I’m so excited to start new and exciting traditions at Rowe!”