Cy-Fair ISD’s Career and Technical Education department is designed to prepare students for careers in a variety of industries, ranging from agriculture to computer science to welding.

About 30,000 students are enrolled annually across 135 courses, said district CTE Director Denise Kubecka. Students have the opportunity to earn one or more of about 40 certifications by the time they graduate, potentially saving thousands of dollars, she said.

“We offer a progression of courses in these areas that guide students to advanced topics and skills,” Kubecka said. “In addition to teaching students to master technical skills, our programs also focus on the soft skills needed for students to gain and maintain employment.”

Upon graduation, students have experience in project management, working with peers from the design stage to completion, Kubecka said. For instance, agriculture students spend months raising animals to publicly present and accept critique at the district’s annual Livestock Show and Sale.

“Equipping students with transferable skills is key in our courses,” Kubecka said.