More than 40,000 Cy-Fair residents have filed for unemployment insurance benefits since the coronavirus pandemic first began affecting Harris County in March, according to the Texas Workforce Commission. The latest data from the TWC reveals about 6,400 of those claims were filed between May 27-June 27.

While claims have slowed locally in recent weeks, data shows unemployment rates in Harris County began trending upward again in mid-June. As of the week of June 14-20, unemployment insurance claims were up 522% from the same time frame in 2019, according to the TWC.

Statewide, 383,360 individuals filed claims from May 27-June 27. Full-service restaurants, limited-service restaurants, support activities for oil and gas operations, home health care services ,and general medical and surgical hospitals were the most affected job sectors during that time frame, according to state data.

Unemployed individuals looking for work can visit to find job openings in their area.