Officials in Cy-Fair ISD reported 1,311 confirmed cases of COVID-19 from Sept. 8-Dec. 20, including 478 staff members, 831 students and two other individuals on campuses. As of Dec. 21, the district had 471 active cases and 840 recoveries.

The Texas Department of State and Health Services reported that 62,675 students and 35,926 staff members on public school campuses statewide tested positive during the fall semester.

In CFISD, most positive cases were among high school students and staff members. Cypress Falls High School reported the most cases of any CFISD school this fall. Millsap Elementary School was the only campus in the district to report no positive COVID-19 cases.

See a breakdown below of cases by campus throughout the fall semester.

School districts throughout the state are required to report known COVID-19 cases to the Texas Education Agency each week. This does not include students who are learning remotely and may not include those who test positive while in quarantine if they were not on campus during their infectious period.

Weekly data is shown below, and campus-specific data can be found here.