Public health officials in the city of Houston and Harris County confirmed 931 new cases of COVID-19 on Aug. 13, along with 34 deaths that have been attributed to the virus.

The daily totals for Aug. 13 continued trends that have been seen throughout the week, with the daily case total slowing down from late July and early August—when more the seven-day average hovered around 1,300 per day for several weeks—and the death toll continuing to mount. Aug. 13 marked the fourth day in a row in which the daily case count was under 1,000, an occurrence that took place only twice between July 15 and Aug. 9. The testing positivity rate in TMC hospitals was around 10% on Aug. 13.

Meanwhile, the death toll included a Hispanic female between ages 10-19 who had underlying health conditions. Two COVID-19 deaths of individuals between 10-19 have now been confirmed in Harris County.

The number of COVID-19 patients in Harris County hospitals fell slightly in both general wards and intensive care units Aug. 13, according to the Southeast Texas Regional Advisory Council. After peaking in mid-July, COVID-19 hospitalizations in Harris County have since fallen back to around where they were in late June. Roughly 31% of ICU patients had COVID-19 on Aug. 13, according to SETRAC.

In the Texas Medical Center, base ICU capacity was about 100% occupied after several days of being slightly below 100%.

The cases total in the county now stands at 89,425, with 36,449 active cases, 51,989 recovered cases and 985 deaths.