Harris County property owners have until the end of the day today, May 31, to protest the value of their property if they believe an error has been made in setting market value. Property owners can protest through the mail or online. Residents should have received appraisals from the Harris County Appraisal District in April that included a green Notice of Protest form, which can be brought to HCAD's office at 13013 Hwy. 290, Houston, or mailed to P.O. Box 922004, Houston, TX 77292-2004. Protests must be postmarked by May 31. A Notice of Protest form (numbered 41-44) may also be downloaded from the district’s web site at www.hcad.org under the "forms" heading or under “Most Requested Forms.” Chief Appraiser Roland Altinger encouraged property owners to use HCAD’s online iFile system to submit protests. Residents who use iFile must enter a unique iFile number, which can be found on 2017 value notices near the property account number. Owners who have misplaced their value notice can use HCAD’s free iPhone app to retrieve their iFile numbers by scanning their Texas driver’s license. Homeowners who use iFile may also have an opportunity to settle value disputes online with HCAD’s iSettle system, which was introduced this year. The new system gives property owners 5 days to upload evidence, including closing statements, deeds or photos. A video explaining how to file an online protest and use the iSettle system is available at www.hcad.org under the "help" heading. Homeowners who do not settle online will be scheduled for a hearing with the Appraisal Review Board. Other questions about iSettle can also be directed to [email protected]. General questions about protesting market value can be directed to HCAD's information center at 713-957-7800. Read more about property value trends in Harris County here.