Incumbent Julie Hinaman is running against Ayse Indemaio and George Edwards, Jr. for the Position 2 seat. Get to know these candidates below.
Candidates were asked to keep responses under 60 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

Julie Hinaman
CFISD trustee 2019-2023; CFISD board vice president 2021-2023; former CFISD Community Leadership Committee chair; 2019 CFISD Long Range Planning Committee co-chair; CFISD Global Volunteer
Candidate Website:
Why are you running for the Cy-Fair ISD board of trustees, and why are you the best candidate?
I believe all students deserve access to an exceptional education within our local public schools. …. My focus is on ensuring the district fulfills its mission of educating students. My motivation is to serve … with intelligence, integrity and compassion. If I am re-elected, I will be the most senior member of the board and will use my experience to govern effectively and honorably.
What are the biggest issues Cy-Fair ISD is currently facing, and how would you address them?
Lack of adequate state funding, recruitment and retention of teachers, and school safety/mental health are the three biggest issues facing CFISD. All these issues impact student achievement. As a board member, I will continue advocating for public school funding, changes in legislation impacting teachers and student safety/mental health, and stronger partnerships with parents.
What does student success mean to you, and how should it be measured?
Student success means students achieve their full potential academically; develop the knowledge, skills, and experiences to meet their short-term and long-term goals; and graduate prepared for their future endeavors. Success varies from one student to another, so it’s important to recognize and support individual growth and well-being. Student success should be measured holistically, not simply based on one flawed state assessment test.
Are there any parts of the district’s budget you feel are overfunded and/or underfunded? What are your top priorities when it comes to the district’s finances?
The district’s revenues are underfunded while expenditures continue to increase due to inflation. … CFISD special education and school safety are significantly underfunded by the state—$46M and $41M, respectively. My top priorities are raising the basic allotment to account for increased costs since 2019, increasing pay for employees and fully funded special education and safety initiatives by the state.
What changes do you believe need to be addressed at the state level regarding public education?
Update the school finance system to adjust the basic allotment based on an inflationary index; increase the basic allotment to be at least at the national average per-student state allotment; replace the state accountability system with a system based on quantitative and qualitative factors, including nationally normed exams, participation in extracurricular activities, school safety, teacher professional development and community engagement
If you could change one district policy, what would it be and why?
CFISD Legal policies are based on state law. CFISD Local policies implement state law and/or direct administration on specific topics. I would like to see EIC (Local) Class Ranking changed so that class rank is calculated on GPA in core classes only. This would encourage students to explore more CTE classes and electives.

Ayse Indemaio
Experience bringing information to Texas legislators to get bills passed protecting children at school; financial reporting experience with large budgets.
Former risk management professional turned stay-at-home mom
Candidate Website:
Why are you running for the Cy-Fair ISD board of trustees, and why are you the best candidate?
I have been very effective at making positive changes in Cy-Fair ISD at the state and local level. I want to put parents in control of what is appropriate in schools. I have been doing it as a concerned mom for the last 2.5 years. See my website,, for how I protected CFISD’s children at school.
What are the biggest issues Cy-Fair ISD is currently facing, and how would you address them?
(1) Safety—Explore all options to comply with [House Bill] 3 (armed guards at schools). Continue to meet with Texas legislators inside and outside the district to help pass legislation. I was recently credited for my work showing data mining of mental health surveys to help pass [House Bill] 18. (2) Teacher Retention—I want to listen to feedback and take action to help.
What does student success mean to you, and how should it be measured?
Student success is a child believing and continuing in their abilities because they and their teachers can see it. It should be measured by the amount of time teachers get to focus on connecting with their classroom, diligently teaching, and the corresponding MAP test scores.
Are there any parts of the district’s budget you feel are overfunded and/or underfunded? What are your top priorities when it comes to the district's finances?
Payroll is 89% of the budget, so I would start to look at consultants' pay and how much their programs cost to implement. Unfunded mandates and expired funds from the state will be a top priority when I am elected. We will need to solve the problem of the state not funding technology anymore.
What changes do you believe need to be addressed at the state level regarding public education?
Putting parents in control of what is appropriate in schools; safer atmosphere on campuses; focus on academics, arts and athletics
If you could change one district policy, what would it be and why?
The one made after the last school board election where they put concerned citizens that wish to be heard by the school board all the way at the end of the meeting. I arrived home close to midnight after school board meetings, and the community feels their time is not valued.

George Edwards, Jr.
Army veteran; former CFISD board member; Certified Public Accountant; former chair, Energy Capital Credit Union; chair, Leadership Houston Class XXI
Retired CPA
Candidate Website:
Why are you running for the Cy-Fair ISD board of trustees, and why are you the best candidate?
I am running to help refocus CFISD on the academic preparation of students. As a former CFISD board member, I strongly believe that every student should be able to read for comprehension by the end of third grade. I am a CPA and the only candidate with a financial background. I am an Army veteran and a retiree from ExxonMobil.
What are the biggest issues Cy-Fair ISD is currently facing, and how would you address them?
The large number of students not reading on grade level, and securing adequate funding from the state to ensure school programs are resourced and staffed effectively [are the biggest issues].
What does student success mean to you, and how should it be measured?
Student success means the students have grade-level reading, writing and math skills. It also means students are able to perform proficiently on school and state-mandated exams.
Are there any parts of the district’s budget you feel are overfunded and/or underfunded? What are your top priorities when it comes to the district's finances?
I do not have enough information to make a determination about the district’s budget. My top priorities when it comes to school district finances are 1) to ensure CFISD is fiscally responsible with district finances, and 2) to ensure our teachers and administrators have the resources needed to do an effective job teaching and motivating our students.
What changes do you believe need to be addressed at the state level regarding public education?
The state should increase the basic allotment per student to ensure CFISD receives increased funding to mitigate the inflationary pressures with which school districts must contend.
If you could change one district policy, what would it be and why?
The policy I would change would be to have the school district use phonics to teach students to read. Phonics is scientific-based, and it is a proven and an effective method for teaching students to read.