Todd LeCompte, Tonia Jaeggi and Cleveland Lane Jr. are running for the Position 1 seat. Get to know these candidates below.
Candidates were asked to keep responses under 60 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

Todd LeCompte
Over 20 years experience building and maintaining successful companies
Business owner
Candidate Website:
Why are you running for the Cy-Fair ISD board of trustees, and why are you the best candidate?
I’m running for CFISD trustee to be a voice for the students and teachers of our school district. I have over 20 years experience in building small businesses and teams from scratch. Having the heart of a teacher along with my ability to connect with community members from different backgrounds makes me the best candidate.
What are the biggest issues Cy-Fair ISD is facing, and how would you address them?
We need to get back to basics. I understand that CFISD has dealt with numerous obstacles and distractions the past few years but having just 59% of our third-graders currently reading at grade level is not acceptable. I will seek counsel from current and retired teachers to offer solutions to increase reading comprehension and test scores for our students.
What does student success mean to you, and how should it be measured?
Student success should be measured by the grades students earn and the number of kids that finish their high school careers by walking across the stage at the Berry Center to receive their diploma. Math skills and the ability to read gives students a chance for successful lives beyond graduation.
Are there any parts of the district’s budget you feel are overfunded and/or underfunded? What are your top priorities when it comes to the district's finances?
We need more money given to math and reading programs. Being fiscally responsible with spending our tax dollars enabling more money to be spent to support our students and teachers would be my top priorities.
What changes do you believe need to be addressed at the state level regarding public education?
The basic allotment of $6,160 per student needs to increase immediately at the state level. There has been no increase in the basic allotment since 2019. Our school district has been given mandates from the state but at times no money to support these mandates. Our students and teachers deserve better.
If you could change one district policy, what would it be, and why?
The CFISD motto is “Opportunity for All.” Whether a child comes from an economically challenged area or an affluent area, there should be consistency in policies, consistencies in enforcement and support for ALL students that attend CFISD schools. Schools in economically challenged areas should offer the same programs as affluent schools in our district.

Tonia Jaeggi
Community Leadership Committee; Long-Range Planning Committee; Campus Performance Objective Committee, CFISD Mentor, Global Volunteer, Calendar Committee, Cy-Fair Educational Foundation Trustee
Candidate Website:
Why are you running for the Cy-Fair ISD board of trustees, and why are you the best candidate?
As a product of Cy-Fair ISD and a current parent, I have volunteered in over 30 schools, logging 5,000 hours. I've served on district committees, attended board meetings for four years, and possess extensive knowledge of the district. This background makes me the ideal candidate for Position 1.
What are the biggest issues Cy-Fair ISD is facing, and how would you address them?
A major focus of mine will be prioritizing teacher recruitment, retention and satisfaction. By advocating for higher pay and reduced workloads, we can maintain Cy-Fair ISD's reputation as a destination district. To ensure effective strategies, I would engage teachers in a collaborative Teacher Task Force, as they possess valuable insights on what would attract and retain talented educators in our district.
What does student success mean to you, and how should it be measured?
Our district's ongoing assessment of student success has contributed to our position as the largest A-rated district in Texas. The Portrait of a Cy-Fair ISD Graduate exemplifies our measurement of success, striving for graduates who possess not only fundamental knowledge, but also a comprehensive range of life skills essential for real-world employment and meaningful societal contributions.
Are there any parts of the district’s budget you feel are overfunded and/or underfunded? What are your top priorities when it comes to the district's finances?
As a board member, my priority is addressing the underfunding across various areas in Cy-Fair ISD. Specifically, I aim to prioritize increasing teacher and staff compensation. Achieving this goal requires us to advocate for an increase in the student allotment by working closely with our state legislators.
What changes do you believe need to be addressed at the state level regarding public education?
At present, funding should be our collective priority with the state. The Texas student allotment has remained unchanged since 2019, leading to various challenges within the district, from the rising cost of operational expenses to teacher salaries. It is imperative for the state to adjust the student allotment to account for inflation and ensure adequate support for our schools.
If you could change one district policy, what would it be, and why?
As a prospective board member, it is crucial to understand the significance of our discipline and safety policies, considering the size of our district. I am committed to driving positive change and supporting CFISD administration by closely examining these policies, collaborating with staff and public safety professionals. Together, we can strengthen our framework, benefiting not only our students and staff but also the community as a whole.

Cleveland O. Lane, Jr.
25+ years of educational experience; experience with middle and high school STEM programs; experience with large budgets, faculty and facility development; experience working with diverse communities; experience with curriculums development; working with K-12 teachers
faculty in higher education
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
Why are you running for the Cy-Fair ISD board of trustees, and why are you the best candidate?
I am running because I want to contribute to advancing education in CFISD as school board trustee Position 1. My educational, professional, and volunteering experiences will contribute to the enhancement of the school district. I have taught, trained, and mentored future STEM teachers, healthcare professionals, and researchers. I will be effective in maintaining “Opportunity for All.”
What is the biggest issues Cy-Fair ISD is facing, and how would you address them?
The most significant issue that our district faces is teacher recruitment, retention and funding to meet the growth of our district. I will work with policymakers, administrators, legislators and the community to recruit effective teachers and attain the necessary funding to accommodate the growing, diverse Cy-Fair student body.
What does student success mean to you, and how should it be measured?
Student success should be a holistic measurement of the academic and social development of the student. Student success should be measured on retention rates, academic performance, time to completion, and reaching educational goals set by the district and the state. Their success requires a combination of programs to guide and develop the students to projected outcomes.
Are there any parts of the district’s budget you feel are overfunded and/or underfunded? What are your top priorities when it comes to the district's finances?
I feel the salaries of teachers and school personnel are underfunded. We are also underfunded in the school safety allotment and the individual student allotment. My top priorities are to vote on a budget that will address these needs and interface with legislatures for the beneficial growth of the district.
What changes do you believe need to be addressed at the state level regarding public education?
The state of Texas should fully fund public education. We are living in a global society, and we need to invest in the youth of Texas as future global leaders. The current policy of moving funding from public to private education will hinder the excellence of the public school system. The state also needs to fund mandates that are delivered to school districts.
If you could change one district policy, what would it be, and why?
The candidate did not respond to this question.