The Cy-Fair ISD board of trustees voted unanimously Sept. 7 to pursue litigation against the Texas Education Agency’s new A-F accountability system for public schools and issued a resolution announcing the reasons for the suit. A number of other Texas school districts in the state have also filed suit against the state in opposition to the TEA's handling of the rollout of the new system.

The details

The board’s resolution cites the following issues with the new system:
  • The TEA’s failure to provide the district advance notice of the accountability performance measures, methods and procedures being applied in the new system before the start of that school year is in violation of state law.
  • The TEA substantially changed the accountability ratings system in a manner that will impact every school in the district.
  • The ratings to be issued in fall 2023 for the 2022-23 school year will be based on a different set of rules than the previous ratings, making it impossible to fairly compare to each other for evaluation.
  • The board joins multiple school districts in the state by filing suit.
What else?

Thompson & Horton, LLP will represent the school district in the suit and is also conducting the superintendent search this fall.

What’s next

The TEA announced a delay in the implementation of the new rating system Sept. 12. That new system was supposed to go into effect Sept. 28.