Conroe City Engineer Christian Bogert proposed design changes by Kimley-Horn to I-45 and Loop 336 during a workshop meeting Feb. 22 that include widening the pavement and adding a median.
According to Bogert, the design changes would widen pavements on the south side of North Loop 336 in order to create a shoulder. According to the agenda packet, around North Loop 336 there will be signal optimization at various locations including Westview Boulevard, Montgomery Plaza, I-45 frontage road, Kroger and Hobby Lobby, and Plantation Drive.
Other changes include replacing the sidewalk and driveways on the south side of North Loop 336 that could be impacted by the widening, according to Bogert. The project costs $139,500 according to Bogert.
The agenda item will be presented before council for a vote during a regular City Council meeting Feb. 23.