See what projects are underway in the Conroe and Willis areas as of early March and the latest on projects nearby in the region.

Ongoing projects

FM 1097 widening

The Texas Department of Transportation project to widen FM 1097 between I-45 and Anderson Road in Willis is 74% complete as of March 5, according to the most recent data from TxDOT. The project, underway by Angel Brothers, widens the road from two to four lanes with a continuous left-turn lane. A second segment of the widening project—underway by James Construction Group—is 3% complete as of Feb. 25. The second segment spans FM 1097 from Lake Conroe Hills Drive to Anderson.

Timeline: fourth quarter 2018-third quarter 2021 (Segment 1), first quarter 2021-third quarter 2021 (Segment 2)

Cost: $15.71 million (Segment 1), $14.69 million (Segment 2)

Funding sources: TxDOT, federal funds

FM 2090 bridge replacement

A TxDOT project to replace bridges and the bridge approaches over Caney Creek on FM 2090 is underway in the Conroe area. The project was 60% complete as of March 5.

Timeline: Jan. 6, 2020-first quarter 2022

Cost: $6.26 million

Funding sources: TxDOT, federal funds

Regional updates

FM 2978 widening

Just south of FM 1488, a project continues that will widen FM 2978 from two to four lanes between FM 1488 and south of Dry Creek, located near Hardin Store Road. The project was 64% complete as of March 5 and anticipated to wrap up in the second quarter of 2021 after more than 2 1/2 years of construction.

Timeline: Sept. 4, 2018-second quarter 2021

Cost: $21.47 million

Funding sources: TxDOT, federal funds

Hwy. 242 overpass at FM 1314

The project will construct a grade separation along Hwy. 242 from west to east of FM 1314. This is the first of four projects to construct an overpass at Hwy. 242 and FM 1314. The project was 79% complete as of March 5.

Timeline: July 2018-fourth quarter 2021

Cost: $24.26 million

Funding sources: TxDOT, federal funds