Ongoing projects
1. FM 2854 widening
Contractor Harper Brothers Construction is 85% complete with work on a Texas Department of Transportation project to widen FM 2854 to a four-lane concrete curbed roadway from Loop 336 to I-45.
Timeline: August 2018-spring 2021
Cost: $18.67 million
Funding source: TxDOT
2. FM 3083 widening
Work to widen FM 3083 to a four-lane divided roadway is 75% complete. The project is expected to be completed this summer.
Timeline: November 2018-summer 2020
Cost: $9.05 million
Funding sources: TxDOT, federal
Completed projects
3. Milltown-area improvements
Contractor Smith & Co. has substantially completed a project to overlay about 2 miles of Sandra Street around Milltown Park and improve roadside drainage.
Cost: $2.4 million
Timeline: August 2019-July 2020
Funding source: city of Conroe
(Not mapped): Flashing yellow lights
The city of Conroe has substantially completed a project to install flashing yellow lights at 26 intersections throughout the city. As of early July, the city was waiting for resolution on one signal.
Timeline: January-May
Cost: $727,688
Funding source: city of Conroe
Upcoming project
4. Market Place Drive extension
The city of Conroe will build a four-lane concrete road from Market Place Drive to Plantation Drive. The project will include sidewalks and a left-turn lane onto Plantation Drive.
Timeline: July-September
Cost: $802,412
Funding source: city of Conroe