Learn more about volunteer and donation opportunities in the Conroe and Montgomery area. For specific volunteer requirements, contact the organization directly. This list is not comprehensive.
Animal services
Henry’s Home Horse Sanctuary
The nonprofit is a haven for rescued horses and provides therapeutic programs at no cost to veterans and first responders.
- Sample activities: administrative duties, community engagement, lead fundraising campaigns, support therapeutic equine learning programs
- Donations: monetary donations
- 14638 Perry Road, Conroe
- www.henryshomehorsesanctuary.org
The shelter cares for hundreds of dogs and cats by providing services such as neutering and microchipping while holding animals until they can be placed in a new home.
- Sample activities: assist with dog bathing and walking, cat handling, on- and off-site adoptions, fostering and laundry; administrative tasks; serve as vet staffer, a surgery assistant or a photographer’s assistant
- Donations: monetary donations, medical supplies, blankets, toys, food, treats, lick mats, crates and kennels
- 8535 Hwy. 242, Conroe
- www.mcaspets.org
The nonprofit strives to elevate Montgomery County to a no-kill community through programs that raise community awareness, reduce the number of dogs and cats that enter shelters, and increase the number of pets that leave shelters alive.
Sample activities: social media/marketing, vetting, fostering dogs and cats••Donations accepted: •monetary donations; cat litter, puppy and kitten food
- P.O. Box 132104, The Woodlands
- www.operationpetsalive.org
Community Assistance Center
The center offers a variety of essential assistance programs from basic need services to long-term case management for individuals and families. The nonprofit helps with things like food, clothing, non-narcotic prescriptions, utility, rent/mortgage and more.
- Sample activities: stock food pantry; assist clients with food selection; sort, organize and price donations; administrative help; deliver senior groceries
- Donations: almost any items are accepted except mattresses
- 1022 McCall Ave., Conroe
- https://cac-mctx.org
The organization has provided affordable dispute resolution services and training in the Montgomery County area since 1988. The organization helps people with difficult conversations to prevent their escalation into civil or criminal disputes. Training is required for some activities.
Sample activities: mediation, conflict resolution, art contest judging, awards ceremony assistance, conflict resolution education, office tasks, community outreach, event planning
Donations accepted: individually wrapped candy, snacks and bottled water; office supplies; paper towels and wipes; gift cards; monetary donations
- 201 N. Thompson St., Ste. 106, Conroe
- www.resolution-center.org
The nonprofit aims to build safe and sustainable housing. Volunteers must be at least age 17 to help at the nonprofit’s resale shop, ReStore, and home repair volunteers must be at least age 18.
- Sample activities: help with providing home repairs, construction and at the resale shop
- Donations: monetary donations; donated home goods or supplies accepted at the resale shop
- 9407 Hwy. 242, Conroe
- www.habitatmctx.com
The nonprofit provides homebound seniors in Montgomery County with hot, nutritious meals and a safety check from volunteers as well as curb-to-curb transportation services.
- Sample activities: delivering weekday meals and Saturday breakfast bags; helping in the kitchen; holiday gift delivery
- Donations: soups, stews, large-print puzzle books, dog and cat food
- 111 S. Second St., Conroe
- www.mowmc.org
New Danville is a nonprofit residential and day program community for adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities. The organization also operates the Jazzy Junque resale store.
Sample activities: help with large group service projects, in a classroom setting, at resale shop
Donations accepted: monetary; resale items, including furniture, housewares, jewelry, collectibles, books, toys
- 10951 Shepard Hill Road, Willis
- www.newdanville.org
Keep US Fed Montgomery County
The nonprofit has rescued and redistributed over 6.8 million pounds of surplus food at no cost to food-insecure neighbors since 2015, alleviating hunger and reducing food waste in the community.
- Sample activities: pick up food from donor partners and deliver to shelters, group homes and food pantries in the community; administrative, organizational, fundraising and marketing tasks
- Donations: food donations and food drive organization
- 3915 W. Davis St., Stes. 130-223, Conroe
- www.keepusfedmoco.org
The food bank was established in 1985 as a nonprofit hunger relief organization, providing nutritious food to children, seniors and families through a network of partner agencies.
- Sample activities: sort and package food; deliver groceries to low-income seniors; drive-thru food distribution assistance
- Donations: monetary donations; food donations
- 1 Food for Life Way, Conroe
- www.mcfoodbank.org
Angel Reach
The organization serves kinship families and youth aging out of the foster care system as well as young people ages 16-24 at risk for homelessness. The organization provides housing, counseling, transportation, employment coaching and educational advising.
- Sample activities: provide cooking classes or life lesson trainings once a week; be a mentor for those in the program
- Donations: Donations can be made online or by check. Donations of tangible items are also accepted.
- 900 W. Dallas St., Conroe
- www.angelreach.org
The organization provides advocacy and community education, supporting children and families to overcome crisis.
- Sample activities: become an advocate for a child; volunteer for various activities and administrative needs; help with events
- Donations: new toy and book donations for children and youth (infants to 18 years old); monetary donations
- 505 N. Main St., Conroe
- https://casaspeaks4kids.com
The center helps survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault by providing an emergency shelter, legal services, crisis intervention programs, a 24-hour hotline, case management and transitional housing.
- Sample activities: cooking meals at the shelter, monitoring children during counseling, overseeing counseling sessions, volunteering at the store
- Donations: household items, clothes, furniture, dishes, toiletries, toddler beds, portable cribs
- 1600 Lake Front Circle, Ste. 130, The Woodlands
- www.mcwctx.org
The organization provides crisis counseling, intervention and suicide prevention services as well as shelter programs for families and youths.
- Sample activities: hosting needs drives, helping with events, groundskeeping, meals, spending time with youth
- Donations: monetary gifts
- 105 W. Lewis St., Conroe
- www.sayyestoyouth.org