Elior Avtian, the owner of Conroe-based TML Home Improvement, offered tips on how to maintain the value of a home.

What are some home projects that can help maintain the value of a house?

I would say first of all is to keep the house in shape, making sure nothing's outdated, ... making sure the roof is good, kitchen, bathrooms. ... If you want to maintain the value of your house, you want to keep up with renovations every five years. It doesn’t have to be major renovations, but you know painting the walls and changing the floors. Every seven years, the trends are changing. ... Every seven years, you want to refresh it.

What additions will increase the value of a house?

Probably home additions [such as] add more bedrooms, add more square footage to the house. That will for sure help you increase the value of your house. New cabinets, new bathrooms, [a] new kitchen will help you increase the value. It depends for each house. ... Some houses, all you need to do is renovate, and the value will skyrocket.

What mistakes do you commonly find that depreciate the value of a home?

People try to skip corners and hire people that are not professionals, like unlicensed plumbers or unlicensed electricians, and then they get water leaks that actually cause mold. ... Obviously if you are trying to sell your house and you did a poor job, the buyer will see it. So, poor labor and poor work will [depreciate the value of a home]. ... We often have to go to customers and fix jobs that other people did. Hire professionals to work on your house. A lot of people we have been working with have tried to cut corners and try to save money, which I understand. But to maintain your house in the long run, ... it actually depreciates the value.”

How important are renovations or remodeling?

It’s the same [importance] as it is for us to go on vacation sometimes so we can feel better. It’s the same thing for your house. Your house needs to be fresh; your house needs to get attention. Your house is the place you lived in, and if you don’t maintain it right and if you don’t renovate it sometimes, refresh it sometimes, then it will look depressed.

What section of a house should be given the most attention?

Again, it’s general, but in my opinion the kitchen. ... The kitchen is the center of the house. If you come to my house, the kitchen is in the center of the house, and my wife is cooking all of the time. ... It’s right by the living space. Lately for us, in the past three years, the kitchen is what people are willing to spend money on to make the space look amazing and look stunning.

TML Home Improvement

2330 FM 1488, Ste. 400, Conroe

