Located off League Line and Longmire roads in Conroe, Water Crest on Lake Conroe is a newer community with waterfront access to Lake Conroe.
Residents in Water Crest on Lake Conroe can enjoy access to a dog park, club house, park, pool and walking/nature trails.
The community also includes a private dock, fishing pond, water front access and a private boat ramp to Lake Conroe.
Median home value: $333,5000
Homes on the market*: 2
Homes under contract*: 5
Median annual property taxes: $10, 052
Median price per square foot: $161.87
Average days on the market*: 18
Median square footage: 1,174
HOA dues (estimated): $1,040
Schools: Turner Elementary, Brabham Middle School, Willis High School
Property taxes (in dollars): City of Conroe 0.4272
Montgomery County 0.3742
Montgomery County Hospital District 0.0502
Lone Star College System 0.1078
Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 126 0.9
Willis ISD 1.1546
Total (per $100 valuation) 3.014