Graystone Hills is located in Conroe and includes a nature preserve and greenbelt trails as well as a recreation center, a pool, a playground and parks for residents to enjoy.
Median home value: $540,250
Homes on the market*: 7
Homes under contract: 4
Median annual property taxes: $14,068
Median price per square foot: $147.29
Average days on the market*: 77
Median square footage: 3,293
HOA dues (estimated): $765 annually
Schools: Giesinger Elementary School, Cryar Intermediate School, Peet Junior High School, Conroe High School
Property taxes (in dollars): City of Conroe 0.4272
Montgomery County 0.3742
Montgomery County
Hospital District 0.0502
Lone Star College System 0.1078
Conroe ISD 1.1146
Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 107 0.53
Total (per $100 valuation) 2.604
Home sales slowed year over year in Conroe- and Willis-area ZIP codes, recording increases in the number of homes sold only in ZIP 77306 and 77316 in Montgomery. Also in February, ZIP codes 77316 and 77303 were the only areas to see home prices drop.