Grand Central Park, a master-planned community in Conroe, features a variety of amenities for residents, including a pool, dog park, lakes, trails, parks, playgrounds, a fitness center and The Lake House.

Neighborhood data is provided by The Jamie Bechtold Group.

Median home value: $491,708

Homes on the market: 59

Homes under contract: 17

Median annual property taxes: $12,977

Median price per square foot: $193

Average days on the market: 89

Builders: Gehan Homes, Coventry Homes, Highland Homes, Tri Pointe Homes, Perry Homes, Jaeger Homes, David Weekley Homes, Drees Custom Homes, Westin Homes

Median square footage: 2,545

HOA dues (estimated): $1,180 annually

Average sold price: $505,528

Property taxes (in dollars):

Conroe Municipal Management District 0.88

Montgomery County 0.4083

Montgomery County

Hospital District 0.0567

Conroe ISD 1.176

Lone Star College System 0.1078

City of Conroe 0.4375

Total (per $100 valuation) 3.0663

Year-over-year Market Date: November

Montgomery ZIP code 77316 was the only ZIP code locally in November to see an increase in the number of homes sold year over year.
At the same time, the trend varied among ZIP codes in Conroe and Montgomery for the median prices of homes sold.