Neighborhood data is provided by The Jamie Bechtold Group.
Neighborhood data:
Median home value: $244,900
Homes on the market*: 4
Homes under contract*: 4
Median annual property taxes: $7,565
Median price per square foot: $110.20
Average days on the market*: 70
Build-out year: 2016
Median square footage: 2,376
Home values: $220,000-$305,000
HOA dues (estimated): $656 annually
Schools: Glesinger Elementary School, Peet Jr. Middle School, Conroe High School
Property taxes (in dollars):
City of Conroe: 0.4375
Montgomery County: 0.4475
Montgomery County Hospital District: 0.0589
Lone Star College System: 0.1078
Conroe ISD: 1.23
Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 132: 0.7
Total (per $100 valuation): 2.9817
*As of April 5
Year-over-year market data
In March, seven of the eight local ZIP codes to Conroe and Montgomery saw a larger number of homes sold year over year. This excludes ZIP code 77301. Additionally, the median price of homes sold in March increased year over year in all but two ZIP codes locally.