Crighton Ridge, located in Conroe, includes parks, a playground and a pond for residents to enjoy. The neighborhood is located near I-45 and within Conroe ISD boundaries. Data is provided by Carswell Real Estate Co. Inc.

Market data:

Median home value: $505,000

Homes on the market*: 4

Homes under contract*: 3

Median annual property taxes: $9,000

Median price per square foot: $131.41

Average days on the market*: 43

Median square footage: 2,600-4,500

Home value: $378,000-$555,000

HOA dues (estimated): $450 annually

Amenities: parks, playgrounds, pond

Schools: Wilkinson Elementary School, Bozman Intermediate School, Peet Junior High School, Conroe High School

Total property taxes (per $100 valuation): 2.2817

*As of Feb. 10

Year-over-year market data: January

The median price of homes sold in ZIP code 77306 saw the greatest percent increase year over year in January, nearly doubling from $104,750 to $202,990.