Median home value: $202,400
Homes on the market: 0
Homes under contract: 1
Median annual property taxes: $6,100.74
Median price per square foot: $94.77
Average days on the market: 55
Build-out year: 1998
Median square footage: 1,964
HOA dues (estimated): $275 annually
Schools: Geisinger Elementary School, Peet Junior High School, Conroe High School
Property taxes (in dollars):
Emergency Services District No. 1: 0.1000
Montgomery County: 0.4475
Montgomery County Hospital District: 0.0589
Montgomery County MUD No. 42: 1.0700
Conroe ISD: 1.2300
Lone Star College System: 0.1078
Total (per $100 valuation): 3.0142
Year-over-year market data: August
Of the eight ZIP codes that make up the Conroe and Montgomery area, the number of homes sold in August compared to August 2019 increased in six, while 77301 remained flat.