At its Oct. 24 meeting, the Conroe City Council voted against approving a bid from Texas Litter Control to run the city’s animal shelter.

In a nutshell

City staff recommended not awarding the bid to TLC due to certain stipulations placed on council and the city, according to the agenda packet.

In an Oct. 18 memo, interim City Attorney Mike Garner expressed concerns with TLC’s bid and said that approving the bid may violate state law “with respect to giving city funds to a person or entity without sufficient oversight by the city.”

Some of the concerns Garner outlined in his memo related to:
  • TLC’s requirement that additions or amendments to city ordinances happen no later than Dec. 1
  • A stipulation that the city would enlarge the animal shelter
  • A request that TLC wants control over the policy regarding returning stray animals to their owners
  • TLC’s request for the right to shift funding within the budget without city oversight
Also of note

During the Oct. 23 workshop meeting, Collin Boothe, director of finance and assistant city administrator, said the current budget for the animal shelter is $847,000.

Interim Police Chief Lee Tipton said the estimated projection to run the animal shelter with its current employees is around $1.23 million.

How we got here

After a dog injured himself at the Conroe Animal Shelter, City Council terminated the contract with the former operator, Care Corporation.

A committee then formed—made up of council members, police department staff and purchasing employees—to evaluate a bid to run the shelter from TLC, according to the Oct. 23 agenda packet.

Quote of note
  • “In order to preclude us from getting back into this situation that we found ourselves in, the city must ultimately have responsibility and oversight to this thing," city council member Harry Hardman said.
  • “With the memo provided from our city attorney, as it is today, as it’s been submitted, I can’t agree to it for the reasons stated," city council member Howard Wood said.
Stay tuned

The Conroe Police Department is operating the animal shelter, according to prior reporting.

View the Oct. 18 memo from the interim city attorney below.