Updated 2:32 p.m. May 16

The boil-water notice issued for a northern portion of Conroe has been lifted, the city confirmed via a May 16 news release.

"The water system in the area of concern was flushed, and bacteriological samples from throughout the system were taken to the lab," reads a notice about the rescindment. "The sample results were all negative for coliform bacteria."

Posted 12:58 p.m. May 15

The city of Conroe issued a boil-water notice for a portion of northern Conroe following a loss in pressure in the city’s water system, according to a May 15 news release.

What’s happening

A loss of booster pumps at the Silver Springs Water Plant at 5 a.m. May 15 caused the loss in pressure, according to the news release.

The pumps are back online as of 7 a.m. May 15, and the city’s water system is being flushed, according to the news release. Samples will be taken throughout the water system, which will take at least 24 hours.

Once the boil-water notice is rescinded, the public will be notified, according to the news release.

See below for an approximate map of the portion of the city affected by the boil-water notice.