Looking for something fun to do this weekend in Conroe and Montgomery? Check out a list of events happening Jan. 13-15.

Jan. 13: Enjoy live music

Multiple bars and pubs in Conroe, Montgomery and Willis are hosting live musical acts.

Kate Watson is playing at Guadalaharry's Bar and Grill, 12947 Lake Conroe Hills Drive, Willis. 7 p.m. 936-701-5168. www.guadalaharrysbarandgrill.com

Steven K will play at The Red Brick Tavern, 119 Simonton St., Conroe. 8 p.m. Free. 936-539-2000. www.theredbricktavern.com

Meredith Crawford with Zach Aaron will be at The Corner Pub, 302 N. Main St., Downtown Conroe. 9 p.m. $15. 936-788-2390. www.thecornerpubconroe.com

Jan. 14-15: Browse a selection of guns, knives

The Lone Star Convention and Expo Center is presenting the High Caliber Gun and Knife Show in Conroe. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (Jan. 14), 10 a.m.-4 p.m. (Jan. 15). Free (children age 12 and younger), $10 (general admission). The Lone Star Convention Center and Expo Center, 9055 Airport Road, Conroe. 281-412-4824. www.texasgunshows.com

Jan. 14: Take part in a Nerf war

The instructors at the Premier Martial Arts studio in Woodforest are offering parents a night out by holding a Nerf war. Pizza is provided. Guests must bring eye protection, their own Nerf gun and ammo. 6-10 p.m. $0-$40. Premier Martial Arts Woodforest, 920 Pine Market Ave., Ste. 300, Montgomery. 936-225-3557. www.premiermartialarts.com

Jan. 14: Watch musical theatre

Stardom Entertainment is presenting “Beatlemania64 LIVE” at the Creighton Theatre in Downtown Conroe. The live multimedia show is a journey through the life and times of The Beatles. 7-9:30 p.m. $44. Creighton Theatre Foundation, 234 Main St., Conroe. 936-441-7469. www.creightontheatre.org

Jan. 15: Sing a song

Fools on Stools is hosting an open mic night at the Table at Madeley. Sound is provided. 2-6 p.m. Free. The Table at Madeley, 316 Madeley St., Conroe. www.conroetable.com/events