Feb. 25: Try a beer only brewed once a year
Night of Terrors 2022 shows off Copperhead Brewery’s King of Terrors beer, a 15% ABV imperial stout conditioned with coffee, cacao nibs and vanilla beans. Raffle prizes and food will be available while guests enjoy a four pack, a glass or 3 liters of the special beer. 7-10 p.m. $15 (glass), $24 (four 12 oz. bottles), $150 (3-liter bottle). 822 N. Frazier St., Conroe. https://allevents.in/conroe/night-of-terrors-2022/10000202505378037
Feb. 26: Celebrate Arbor Day
Celebrate Arbor Day with a free tree giveaway and expert planting advice at the Founder's Plaza in downtown Conroe. Trees ranging from seedlings to 15-gallon trees will be available. 8:30 a.m.-noon. Free. 205 Metcalf St., Conroe. www.facebook.com/events/1563621937346927
Feb. 26: Shop local
Attend Willis TX Market Day to shop for fresh fruits, vegetables, local honey, dairy products, fresh sauces, pickles and salsa. There is also homemade jewelry and home decorations as well as snacks, homemade desserts and made-to-order cuisine. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Free (admission). Family Faith Church Willis, 202 S. Thomason St., Willis. https://allevents.in/willis/willis-tx-market-day/200022081169516
Feb. 26: Celebrate crawfish season
Enjoy crawfish, craft beer, wine and live music at the 2nd Annual Craft Beer, Wine and Crawfish Festival. Every admission ticket comes with six 4 oz. pours, access to the crawfish boil and a live performance by the Joe Blues band. Taste wine from H-Wines and Bernhardt Winery, and sample beer from Texas Brewery Tour’s partners. There will also be an after-party in Margaritaville’s Boathouse Bar & Lounge from 5-7 p.m. with live music. 2-5 p.m. $32 (admission). 600 Margaritaville Parkway, Montgomery. www.margaritavilleresorts.com/margaritaville-lake-resort-lake-conroe/destination-guide/calendar-of-events
Feb. 26: Run for a cause
Montgomery County Food Bank is having its first Outrun Hunger 5K and 10K with proceeds benefiting the food bank’s programs for children, seniors and families in need of food assistance. The Mardi Gras-themed event will feature a 1K Second Line Parade, a carnival, a vendor fair and Cajun food trucks in addition to the 5K and 10K races. 7:30 a.m.-noon. $30 (1K parade), $45 (5K), $55 (10K). Grand Central Park, 1039 Lake House Drive, Conroe. 936-271-8804. https://mcfoodbank.org/outrunhunger
Feb. 25-27: Attend a truck show
Check out trucks and other vehicles at the Lone Star Throwdown truck show, or register to show off a truck. There will be vendors, cash giveaways and awards for trucks. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (Fri.-Sun.). $20 (weekend admission), $60 (vehicle registration). 9255 Airport Road, Conroe. www.lonestarthrowdown.com
Feb. 25-27: See a stage show
"The Drowsy Chaperone," a musical within a comedy, comes to the Crighton Theater in Conroe. 8 p.m. (Fri.-Sat.), 2 p.m. (Sun.). $17-$26. 234 N. Main St., Conroe. 936-441-7469. https://ci.ovationtix.com/36076/production/1046335