What you need to know
Mark Keelen is running against Bryan Bahr for MISD Position 6 in the May election. Incumbent Matt Fuller did not file for reelection, Community Impact previously reported.
The last day to register to vote is April 3 and early voting will begin April 22, with election day on May 3, according to prior reporting.
The details
Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity. For more information about voting in Montgomery County, visit https://elections.mctx.org. For more election coverage, go to communityimpact.com/voter-guide.

Mark Keelen
retired Houston firefighter; substitute; homeroom coordinator; playground committee lead; [Parent Teacher Association]; athletic booster club member; HFD...
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
Why are you running for Montgomery ISD board of trustees?
I have always loved to help others, both professionally as a firefighter and as a parent for our kids. I want to contribute my ideas and collaborate in continuing with the board's goals in a quality overall education for every student in MISD.
What is your top priority if elected?
Find out what problems they are currently discussing and help to resolve them. To learn from the current board members, their goals for MISD both currently in place and their future aspirations for the district. I want what is best for our district employees, students and community.
What is the biggest issue facing MISD, and how would you address it?
The rapid growth of our community and the capacity our schools are facing. Make sure we have enough teachers to handle the student to teacher ratio in the classroom. To make sure we can provide fairness to all students when it comes to quality and time in their education.
How can trustees help MISD prepare for anticipated student enrollment growth?
We can look at the budget, then determine and project the needed funds. Determine where in the district the growth is occurring and work with the schools administration on their needs for the growth. Have competitive salaries to retain and attract high-quality staff to fill our classroom needs.
How will you balance your responsibility to help MISD schools and students with your responsibility to the community when it comes to taxation?
Examine the school budget and efficiencies of its uses. Work together on the board to exhaust all measures before asking the community for a tax increase. Be transparent with the public if a bond is needed, specifics of the uses of the money similar to how Prop[osition] A was delivered.

Bryan J. Bahr
oil and gas marketing; Juris Doctor; Law License; [master of business administration]; [bachelor of arts]; certified mediator; ACC board member
Candidate Website:
Why are you running for Montgomery ISD board of trustees?
With two kids in MISD presently and seeing our teachers work as hard as they do with the limited resource constraints they have and still serving students, it made me want to do more to help. I would like to continue to make this great school district even better on…
What is your top priority if elected?
Promoting quality education by paying competitive wages to teachers and providing and incentivizing further education opportunities and retaining those talented teachers. With recent tax increases this will be a challenge, why is why we should also form committees to evaluate “out of the box” compensation packages such as additional [paid time off]…
What is the biggest issue facing MISD, and how would you address it?
Fast-paced growth with a current one-size-fits-all curriculum that is not accurately captivating those students that fall below nor above expectations creating learning gap amongst our student body. Funding must also continue to be the focus of any school board. I have the skills and capacities to work with elected officials…
How can trustees help MISD prepare for anticipated student enrollment growth?
With shifting demographics, we have to have a board that will work together to solve challenges ahead rather than fight over past battles. As a leader, lawyer and mediator, I have the skills needed to help our board focus on the shared goals of supporting teachers and students. I am…
How will you balance your responsibility to help MISD schools and students with your responsibility to the community when it comes to taxation?
As a fiscal conservative, I will always ask if we have used our resources responsibly before spending funds. Our district has to shift from requesting taxes for "anything and everything" to a mindset where we first ask "do we absolutely need this to educate our children?" Ultimately, I will always…