On Nov. 5, voters will decide who will be elected to Position 4 of the Conroe ISD board of trustees.

The details

Incumbent Datren Williams is running against opponents Nicole May and Jamison Gentle. Williams has been on the board since November 2012.

Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

For more information about voting in Montgomery County, visit https://elections.mctx.org. For more election coverage, go to communityimpact.com/voter-guide.

Editor's note: The image accompanying this story was updated to include a second candidate photo and to correct the spelling of Gentle's first name. The story was further updated on Sept. 24 to include a revised image of all three candidates.

Datren Williams

Experience: CISD board of trustees; Montgomery County Women’s Center board of directors

Occupation: CFO, CPA

Contact Information: [email protected]

Why are you running for Conroe ISD board of trustees?

If re-elected I will continue to safeguard CISD exemplary schools by: 1. Placing our kids first in all we do. 2. Equip our educators and administrators with the resources needed to be successful 3. Maintain a conservative fiscal policy with the resources of district taxpayers.

What qualifications do you think make you the best candidate?

CISD board of trustees president; CISD Finance and Audit Committee board president; Montgomery County Women’s Center board of directors; chief financial officer and Texas certified public accountant; my wife and educator in CISD for over 20 years; three sons as products of CISD; I continue to put our children first…

What are the main challenges the district is now facing and how would you plan to address them?

Challenges: growth of our district, lack of state funding and school board members’ overreach. We continuously plan for our consistent growth and maintain an exemplary education for all students. Appeal to our legislatures of what is at risk in not funding our public schools. Continuously combat political and personal agendas.

Are there any projects or policies you’d like to see introduced or changed in the district?

Our culture as a large school district experiencing consistent growth is to always improve in all that we do to best serve our children. We strive to provide an exemplary education to all students. This requires an ongoing self-assessment of our policies and projects to achieve the best outcomes.

What are your suggestions for the district’s legislative priorities for the legislative<br>session beginning in January?

Oppose public school vouchers which divert public resources to private enterprises. Fund public schools and ensure our educators receive competitive pay for their invaluable contributions. Prevent the attack of our public schools by political entrepreneurs opposed to public education seeking to sow division at the expense of our children.

Nicole May

Experience: education-specific legislative advocacy

Occupation: business management

Contact Information: [email protected]

Why are you running for Conroe ISD board of trustees?

I am running to help improve learning outcomes, ensure parental empowerment is a priority and to support teachers. As a liaison, my goal is to amplify the voices of parents and facilitate effective communication, ultimately fostering a stronger partnership between the community and the district.

What qualifications do you think make you the best candidate?

I am an advocate at heart, and have dedicated myself to championing the rights and needs of our most vulnerable student populations. As a member of The Dyslexia Coalition, I played a vital role in passing legislation that identifies and serves dyslexic students.

What are the main challenges the district is now facing and how would you plan to address them?

The main challenges the district faces are teacher retention, balancing the budget and improving learning outcomes. I would address these challenges by strengthening our discipline policy, protecting class sizes and all positions that work directly with students, and placing the focus back on reading, writing and arithmetic.

Are there any projects or policies you'd like to see introduced or changed in the district?

I will be laser focused on improving learning outcomes, specifically for our most vulnerable student populations. Currently 43% of our third-graders are not reading on grade level, with a much deeper deficit in the economically disadvantaged population. I would like to improve these results exponentially.

What are your suggestions for the district's legislative priorities for the legislative session beginning in January?

Special education funding is an opportunity, as the special education funding formula is outdated. I would also suggest focusing on updating the discipline code to better support teachers and students in our classrooms.

Jamison Gentle

Experience: business owner, retail store manager, field operations manager. regional training manager.

Occupation: small-business owner

Contact Information: [email protected]

Why are you running for this position?

I have a vested interest in the future of my own five children in CISD. My wife is a teacher in CISD. I represent a concerned community that supports family values, faith, and freedom. I feel personally led to action by my faith to serve my larger CISD community.

What qualifications do you think make you the best candidate?

Common sense, dedication, and resolve to keep CISD schools excellent. Experience with organizational management: budgets and fiscal reports; smart goal setting and making target fiscal goals a reality; coaching individuals and building teams; leadership meetings and making difficult inquiries and decisions. To effectively handle the task of a servant leader.

What are the main challenges the district is now facing and how would you plan to address them?

2024-2025 $10 million overspent; balance the budget; working through the difficult conversations to make it happen. Give parents peace of mind with secure buildings and appropriate levels of security officers for all schools. Finally, transparency in our administration about its fiscal reporting and clear policy guidelines to safeguard future generations.

Are there any projects or policies you'd like to see introduced or changed in the district?

Parents have a lot of work, in a climate of influencers and indoctrinations, to protect our children from unwanted worldly influences. Setting common sense policy around social issues that enforce family values. Civics class to prepare to serve on jury duty; volunteer EMS and firefighter; vote; file taxes.

What are your suggestions for the district's legislative priorities for the legislative session beginning in January?

Texas needs to provide the funding that was held back from local schools by weak policy. Texas should fund education by allowing dollars to follow the child, through a program which allows parents the freedom to choose their child's school—public, private, or homeschool. Teacher salaries funding increased for inflation.