Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.
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David Hairel
Founder and CEO of nationally known technology company, member of multiple boards and foundation president
Retired business owner
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
What is your top priority if elected?
A. Restoring accountability for financial decisions based on policy and procedure.; B. As chairman of the CIDC, I am tasked with bringing new business to the city of Conroe which will produce new property and sales tax revenue.; C. Growing city revenue and reducing indebtedness.; D. Improving our bond rating ...
What do you think are the biggest issues facing Conroe residents?
A. Rapid growth of apartments is putting a great burden on our water, sewer, and roads because of high density.; B. Traffic congestion; D. Developments that clear-cut trees, install narrow streets and create small lots.
How would you approach planning the city’s next fiscal year budget?
A. Using my financial knowledge to restore accountability and transparency during this crisis period of excessive debt.; B. Running the city like a business rather than a government entity. This would include justification of spending that produces the best results for citizens.; C. Providing third party audits of each department.
How would you address development and growth in Conroe?
A. Because of the city’s debt, all things must be considered for the funding of roads, water, and sewer.; B. Trees are on our city logo. We’re not talking about "going green" here; we are staying green!

Carl White
Public servant
Camlight Video Productions
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
What is your top priority if elected?
My top priority is to serve the people of Conroe.
What do you think are the biggest issues facing Conroe residents?
Infrastructure, transportation, electricity, SJRA lawsuit, Hyatt Hotel
How would you approach planning the city’s next fiscal year budget?
One way to approach planning the next budget is to meet with department heads and front line works to adjust the needs.
How would you address development and growth in Conroe?
Talk to the various stakeholders ie; Chamber of Commerce, business owners, community individuals and work with various colleges in the area.

Susan Johnson
Bachelor's degree in communication from UT. I have served in leadership roles in many community ...
Real estate broker
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
What is your top priority if elected?
(1) Safety and security of our residents. (2) Promoting Conroe to attract commercial, retail and residential business in order to increase sales tax revenue. With a big emphasis on promoting the Hyatt Hotel to make it profitable (3) Transparency at City Hall so that we can work together to make ...
What do you think are the biggest issues facing Conroe residents?
(1) Growth has produced challenges in providing fire stations, adequate staffing on fire trucks, and competitive compensation for first responders. (2) We need to develop a cohesive plan to increase sales tax revenue, including a strong effort to bring business to the Hyatt Hotel & Conference Center. (3) Potential budget shortfalls ...
How would you approach planning the city’s next fiscal year budget?
First of all, we need to make sure that adequate time is allowed to evaluate year-over-year performance before budget decisions are made. Collaboration between the mayor/City Council and city departments to prioritize budget line items. Evaluation of what’s working and what isn’t working and making appropriate decisions. We need ...
How would you address development and growth in Conroe?
Our building and permitting processes need to be streamlined and easily communicated on the city website. Whether for an individual wanting to build a personal residential home, a small commercial property, or a development company interested in multiple projects. We need to work on our tree ordinance to keep more ...

Thomas R. Bersch
I have worked in city council in Wisconsin, volunteer throughout Conroe
Retired; also invest in real estate in Conroe fixed it and sell it
Contact Information:
What is your top priority if elected?
To help the residents that live there by making sure things like roads, parks, jobs, infrastructure and community activities are stable and safe for everyone. Hold high standard to education to make sure kids get good education
What do you think are the biggest issues facing Conroe residents?
Utilities- deregulation of electricity and water bill too high; Safety- our fire department and our law-enforcement need right tools to keep our community safe.
How would you approach planning the city’s next fiscal year budget?
Figure out what roads and buildings need repairs, make sure police and fire department have what they need to do their jobs. Budget money for equipment, training, hiring and infrastructure if needed. Set money aside to keep local parks and libraries clean and operating, as well as making sure the ...
How would you address development and growth in Conroe?
Decide how and where the city should grow, make it easy for new businesses to start, and listen to residents and their needs.