Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.
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Duke W. Coon
Former mayor pro-tem and city councilman
Hadco International Oil & Gas CEO
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What is your top priority if elected?
Restoring trust and transparency to City Hall (fixing broken policies and procedures); providing our first responders the equipment and manpower to protect themselves and our citizens; protecting our trees and green spaces will be a priority; balancing budgets while lowering high water rates
What do you think are the biggest issues facing Conroe residents?
High water rates; overburdened taxes; lack of responsiveness from City Hall; loss of natural resources, trees, and green spaces; too many apartment complexes within the city limits
How would you approach planning the city’s next fiscal year budget?
As mayor I would audit each department for expenditure, cost savings and efficiencies, and then develop a budget with a standard 5% reduction in growth to trim wasteful spending. The reduction would not include fire and police departments.
How would you address development and growth in Conroe?
Provide responsible development and focus on new infrastructure to include streets, water and sewer lines. Development must coincide with the protection of our natural resources, trees and green spaces.

Kristin Wilkinson-Guardino, J.D.
BBA, economics, cum laude, University of St. Thomas, Houston; Juris Doctorate (J.D.); private law
Former practicing attorney; co-founder/CEO, "Sunshine" Champagne Cat Worldwide, LLC, (; semi-retired
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
What is your top priority if elected?
My tenure as mayor will focus on serving Conroe’s citizens through conservative government and on creating a vibrant and safe city to work and live. My priority is to provide city functions that keep citizens safe, hold taxes reasonably low and provide world-class public services.
What do you think are the biggest issues facing Conroe residents?
The biggest issues facing Conroe residents involve latent abuse and corruption, and patent mismanagement; a lack of integrity in the city’s governance; costs of city services; stability of property values; flood control; poor infrastructure planning; and demands on the city’s services due to growth and management.
How would you approach planning the city’s next fiscal year budget?
My planning approach reflects the values and needs of Conroe’s citizens using conservative forecasting; implementation of strong financial and reserve policies to ensure delivery of core government services over time; decreasing ineffective policy designs, e.g., acquiring local revenue through fines and fees; and creation of a 20-year comprehensive plan.
How would you address development and growth in Conroe?
I will address development and growth by placing the needs of Conroe citizens first; by considering the needs of our aging citizens and youth; and strategically directing resources for housing in safe neighborhoods, job diversity, and revitalization of downtown areas, arts centers, and parks for Conroeites to thrive.

Todd Yancey
I have served as City Council member, Position 1, for the last four years.
Retired (former owner of Yancey Concrete)
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
What is your top priority if elected?
Community engagement and Inclusion: Building a strong sense of community and fostering inclusivity are vital for Conroe's well-being and prosperity. As mayor, I will prioritize initiatives aimed at increasing civic engagement, promoting diversity and inclusion, and ensuring that all voices are heard in the decision-making process.
What do you think are the biggest issues facing Conroe residents?
City safety, inflation and business development. The real root of those issues is people being more focused on playing politics than helping people. We need representation for all of Conroe that's worried about providing a better future for our children and grandchildren, not just special interest groups.
How would you approach planning the city’s next fiscal year budget?
Planning the city's next fiscal year budget requires a strategic and inclusive approach that prioritizes the needs of our community while ensuring fiscal responsibility and transparency. Here's how I would approach it: Assess the current financial situation, engage stakeholders, set clear priorities, have budget transparency and be fiscally prudent.
How would you address development and growth in Conroe?
By striking a balance between promoting economic development and preserving the unique identity and charm of Conroe. By leveraging the city's strengths, fostering a supportive business environment, and investing in our workforce and infrastructure, we can position Conroe for long-term success and ensure a prosperous future for generations to come.