Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.
* An asterisk designates the incumbent.

Rand Henderson*
I have been doing the job for the entirety of my adult life.
Sheriff, Montgomery County
Candidate Website:
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What are the top priorities you will have as sheriff in the next four years?
The first is the border crisis, which has created enormous problems related to narcotics (fentanyl), human smuggling and human trafficking. Secondly, ensure we have adequate resources provided by the court to address the needs of the community. Lastly, we must tackle the struggle of keeping up with local population growth.
How will you work with communities across Montgomery County to ensure each community’s policing needs are met?
As a dedicated public servant, I will collaborate with communities across the county to ensure their policing needs are met. By fostering open communication, building trust and actively listening to community concerns, I will work towards implementing community policing strategies that will reduce crime and fear of crime.
What types of crime will the sheriff’s office need to invest more time and money in, in the coming years?
We will invest more time and resources in addressing and preventing crimes such as drug trafficking, cybercrime, child and elderly crimes, and community-based quality-of-life offenses. By focusing on these areas, we can enhance public safety, protect vulnerable populations and promote a secure and thriving community for all residents.
How can the department balance increasing costs with needs in the county in the next budget season?
Since 2017, I have implemented zero-based budgeting to carefully evaluate and justify every expense in the sheriff's office. By starting from scratch each year, resources can be allocated based on their value and impact, ensuring efficient use of taxpayer dollars while meeting the county's needs and taxpayers' concerns.
Why are you the best candidate for this position?
Since 1994, I have worked my way through all ranks in the agency to assume the office of elected sheriff in 2017. I have extensive experience, education, leadership skills, and a commitment to community safety. I have a proven track record of effective crime prevention strategies and building positive relationships.

Wesley Doolittle
22 years, DPS; 13 as Texas Ranger; currently, captain with Precinct 1 constable
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
What are the top priorities you will have as sheriff in the next four years?
I will focus on leading the fight against violent crime. We will clear more cases, improve morale, investigate vehicular crimes/accidents, improve communications, and build effective partnerships to protect every inch of Montgomery County.
How will you work with communities across Montgomery County to ensure each community’s policing needs are met?
By building strong working relationships with all partner agencies and community partners to fight violent crime and to improve our quality of life here in Montgomery County. I will lead with honor, humility, integrity and transparency. I will also keep an open mind and have an open-door policy.
What types of crime will the sheriff’s office need to invest more time and money in, in the coming years?
We must do better fighting the war on violent crime and drug trafficking. The Texas/Mexico border and the Montgomery/Harris County border are porous, and criminals cross those borders daily to prey on our families. We can do a better job clearing cases and stopping criminals from victimizing families.
How can the department balance increasing costs with needs in the county in the next budget season?
We must set budgetary priorities and implement efficient and effective plans that work. We must be willing to try new approaches and never forget that we are spending your tax dollars to make our community a safer place to live, worship and raise a family.
Why are you the best candidate for this position?
I have a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice administration, master’s degree in criminal justice leadership and management, over 7,400 hours of professional training, and a lifetime of real-world law enforcement experience. I lead from the front and will bring new ideas and a fresh perspective to the sheriff’s office.

Kenton Ford
21 years sheriff's office /leading the boots on the ground as it happens
Retired sergeant, Sheriff's Office Montgomery County
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
What are the top priorities you will have as sheriff in the next four years?
First and foremost I will boost morale within the agency. I have seen the agency deteriorate since the current sheriff has taken office. Morale is down and departures of the most experienced investigators are up. There is a leadership problem. I was urged by family, citizens and many of my ...
How will you work with communities across Montgomery County to ensure each community’s policing needs are met?
I will hold town hall meetings. I will come to the BBQ's and the community rallies. I will be there. I will listen to your voices and act accordingly. Having each community and everyone within that community knowing their sheriff, will solve many problems and prevent many crimes. We will ...
What types of crime will the sheriff’s office need to invest more time and money in, in the coming years?
I will invest more time and money on major crime prevention. This takes boots on the ground more than anything. Technology is great, but without the men and women carrying out the investigations and arrests, technology means nothing. We sometimes have to think like the criminals we are chasing ...
How can the department balance increasing costs with needs in the county in the next budget season?
The first thing I will do is eliminate any programs that are not producing results. I would reorganize those personnel to areas where they are needed. I will be the first sheriff in many years that does not change the vehicles. Over time it costs more to restripe and ...
Why are you the best candidate for this position?
I have the broad range of experience the other candidates lack. I have been in the patrol car, on the streets, for years. As I gained seniority, I also supervised and managed others in their patrol efforts. I know the agency from the bottom to the top. From the officer ...