Conroe City Council Position 2

Carl White
Occupation: retired
Experience: president of the National Association of the Advancement of Colored People
Contact: www.facebook.com/carlwhiteconroe
What are the biggest challenges the city of Conroe faces, and how do you plan to address them?
CW: Challenges the city will face in the upcoming years will be to address public transportation, public and private housing, flooding and minority business development procurement. I will address these concerns by working with experts in each field and listening to input from private citizens.
What are your goals for the city's development in the next 5-10 years?
CW: Develop a neighborhood awareness program to address individual community needs. Drive neighborhood redevelopment and city growth. Increase small business development through exposure to capital resources and best practices. Increase arts and tourism. Grow our network of "social capital" to improve services. Advocate for single member districts.
Are you in favor of imposing stricter term limits for mayor and council members? Why or why not?
CW: I am not in favor of imposing stricter term limits. Currently the city charter allows for two 4-year terms. After the transition period, if a person decided to run again and is elected by the people, I do not have an issue.

Curt Maddux
Occupation: vice president and COO of Conroe Golf Cars
Experience: operating a $26+ million business
Contact: www.curtforconroe.com
What are the biggest challenges the city of Conroe faces, and how do you plan to address them?
CM: As one of the fastest growing cities, we need to make sure growth continues. I will use council and planning commission knowledge to help with challenges the city encounters.
What are your goals for the city's development in the next 5-10 years?
CM: I will focus on making physical growth match its median income growth and infrastructure. This will encourage more jobs, opportunities for new businesses, and it will benefit schools.
Are you in favor of imposing stricter term limits for mayor and council members? Why or why not?
CM: I'm not opposed to term limits, and the gap between terms needs to be broader.