Three escrow agreements for commercial and residential developments were approved at the April 12 Montgomery City Council meeting. To ensure engineering, legal and related costs incurred during the development review process are covered by the developer, escrow agreements are standard for the city, according to the meeting presentation.
The first escrow agreement approved was between the city and Nantucket Housing LLC for a proposed multifamily development on Stewart Creek Road, just north of Pizza Shack, according to city information. The development would bring 270 units to the 33 acres, and the developer plans to request annexation into the city as the land is not in city limits.
The second escrow agreement is between the city of Montgomery and LK POP Holdings LLC for a proposed Popeye’s Louisiana Kitchen restaurant in the same development as the Kroger on Hwy. 105 west of BlueWave Express Car Wash, according to the meeting presentation.
Lastly, the developer of Town Creek Storage proposed a second phase, Town Creek Storage II, which would be located behind future commercial development on Eva Street and Hwy. 105 and adjacent to the existing storage facility, according to city information.