The U.S. Census Bureau released data March 17 including information from its Annual Community Survey five-year estimates for 2016-20. According to the bureau, the pandemic caused disruptions in data collection, and the bureau revised its methodology to reduce bias occurring as a result of nonresponses in 2020.
Compared to the 2015 five-year estimates, the data shows a general increase in population, a decrease in unemployment and an increase in median household income.
According to the 2015 and 2020 five-year estimates, the population increased in all Conroe, Willis, and Montgomery ZIP codes.
The majority of Montgomery, Willis and Conroe ZIP codes have lower unemployment rates than the national rate, according to the U.S. Census Bureau unemployment estimates for 2020. Compared to 2015, the majority of ZIP codes saw a decrease in unemployment in 2020.
All Montgomery, Willis and Conroe ZIP codes have had increases in median household income from 2015 to 2020, and most of the ZIP codes have a higher median household income than the national median.