The Coalition for the Homeless Houston released its 2020 results in June, showing Montgomery County had a sharp decrease in the number of people struggling with homelessness.

The coalition counted 145 people on its annual count, a 51% decrease from the 298 counted in 2019. Here is a breakdown of some of the subpopulations of the count.

The homeless population in Montgomery County is overwhelmingly white at 77.2% of subjects. However, this still represents a disproportionately high population of people of color: According to population estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau, about 14% of Montgomery County’s 590,925 population in 2018 were people of color, but people of color represent about 17% of the homeless population in 2020.

Of the subpopulations the coalition tracks, the largest groups were people experiencing homelessness for the first time, people struggling with mental illness and people with a substance use disorder. The coalition noted these groups were self-identified during interviews, and numbers could be artificially low.