Montgomery County reached a sobering statistic Aug. 24, logging 100 deaths related to coronavirus, according to the county's public health district. The latest two—a man in 60s, from Conroe, and a man in his 70s, from Spring—had comorbidities, or the presence of two or more chronic diseases.

Here is a breakdown of the county's deaths and total cases.

Fatality rate

Montgomery County reached a total of 8,122 cases Aug. 24, according to the Montgomery County Public Health District. Deaths represent 1.51% of total cases, and 85.1% of residents have reportedly recovered. However, the data does not indicate what qualifies a resident to be considered fully recovered, and contact investigations have not been initiated on all reported cases.

Of the deaths, one was between the ages of 20-29; two between 30-39; two between 40-49; 16 between 50-59; 20 between 60-69; 19 between 70-79; 20 between 80-89; and 13 over the age of 90. Seven were indicated as "other" or "N/A." This means at least 88% of deaths were people over age 50.

In addition, many of the deceased also had comorbidities.

Other stats

The county's total cases increased by 207 from Aug. 21-24. Active cases increased by 99 to 1,479, and
47 residents are now known to be in the hospital as a result of contact investigations.

In addition, the county is continuing to process cases that were reported directly to the Texas Department of State Health Services by health care providers and were entered into the National Electronic Disease Surveillance System. Of the 207 new total cases since Aug. 21, there were 171 from the NEDSS system that tested positive prior to Aug. 5.