1. End Spring Break with a bash March 15-17 Chadillac's Backyard Waterpark is kicking off spring with bonfires, camping, barbecues, swimming and games. $20 adult, $10 child. 936-689-8486. 16038 Crowley Rd., Conroe. Learn more here. 2. Train to be a lifeguard March 15 Take a lifeguard readiness workshop from the city of Conroe's parks and recreation department. Candidates practice swimming requirements to pass the Lifeguard Training course swimming tests. $10 for Conroe residents, $12 for those who live elsewhere. 936-522-3944. Conroe Aquatic Center, 1205 Candy Cane Lane, Conroe. Learn more at www.cityofconroe.org. 3. Dr. Seuss night March 16 Drop off children at this Dr. Seuss-themed evening featuring dinner, activities, games, "Cat in the Hat" crafts and a screening of The Lorax movie. Attendees are asked to call ahead to reserve a spot. 6:30-10 p.m. $25 per child, $15 for a sibling. Children's Lighthouse of Woodforest. 2183 Woodforest Pkwy. N., Montgomery. 936-588-8999. Learn more here. 4. Attend a book signing March 16 Christian author Shirley Taylor is planning to sign her book "Beyond the grave: A Christian dilemma" at First Christian Church in Conroe. Noon-2 p.m. $15 per book. 3500 N. Loop 336 W., Conroe. 936-756-3554.  Learn more here. 5. Learn estate planning March 16 Learn to control the distribution of assets in a free seminar with a local attorney at the library. 10 a.m. Free. 104 I-45 N., Conroe. 936-788-8361. Learn more here.