The city of Montgomery approved the removal of Montgomery Economic Development Corp. President Rebecca Huss during a City Council meeting June 13. When asked why by Council Member Sara Countryman, Council Member Casey Olson said the removal was based on comments from people who have had interactions with "the person in question."

"I really don't want to repeat what was said because it's not proper," he said during the meeting. "But, it's not how we treat the citizens. We're here to serve them, and if we aren't going in the same direction in serving the city and we are here for a personal agenda, then they don't belong."

City Council voted 4-1 in favor of the removal. Countryman was the only council member to vote against the motion.

"I don't know what the feedback has been on her," she said.

According to the MEDC website, Huss, a former City Council member, was reappointed in January and was supposed to serve until 2025. According to the corporation bylaws, the position will remain vacant until the MEDC board appoints a new president either interim or permanent.