Montgomery City Council discussed the possibility of having Interim City Administrator Dave McCorquodale undergo an internal review by a third party at its meeting Oct. 25.

Montgomery Mayor Byron Sanford read a prepared statement during the meeting, stating the internal review could be conducted due to concerns with job performance and work record. According to Sanford’s statement, the review would consist of an investigation by a third party entity who would prepare a report with information resulting from the investigation.

“My recommendation is I want to do what’s both legal and proper,” Sanford said. “I will submit that concerns are valid when Mr. McCorquodale was not able to be here.”

At the meeting, Montgomery City Secretary Nici Browe said she believes Sanford has never communicated to McCorquodale any displeasure with his work and that Sanford did not go through the proper channels of human resources to conduct an investigation behind closed doors. However, Sanford said he claims he has communicated his concerns with McCorquodale.

The council unanimously voted to table the discussion without action. The agenda item will be discussed under executive session Nov. 8 unless McCorquodale asks it be discussed in public again.

McCorquodale was not present at the meeting, but he said in an Oct. 26 email to Community Impact that this item was discussed during a camping trip he said has been planned since August. He said he did not have any information on the matter.