A development agreement between the city of Montgomery and the Redbird Meadow development was approved at City Council’s May 10 meeting, which will allow the Redbird Meadow development to start construction in the fall and have the first homes up in fall 2023, according to the presentation.
The Redbird Meadow development includes 390 acres for 550 homes over three phases, with the first phase having 180 homes, according to the presentation.
The development will require a 12-inch off-site waterline connected to the city’s existing 8-inch waterline, which is estimated to cost the developer $979,299, and the city plans to extend force mains for wastewater on Old Plantersville Road from the development to near the Old Plantersville Road and Rankin Road intersection, which will cost $562,000, according to the agenda packet.
The agreement includes the city providing water and sanitary sewer services to residents of the development, but the developer is responsible for internal water and sanitary sewer line design and construction costs.
The construction of the water line is the first part of the development that must be done and will be completed in six months, according to the agenda packet.
Council Member Julie Davis was the sole opposing vote for the development agreement, stating that there are taxpayers, including herself, already living in the city that do not have access to city services.