A special council meeting May 17 was approved at Montgomery City Council’s May 10 meeting to canvass the May 7 election, and council members also approved administering the oath of office for new City Council members in Places 2 and 4 and the mayor on May 24. Both meetings will take place at 6 p.m. with the regular council meeting following the May 24 oath of office.

The May 10 meeting was the last council meeting for outgoing Mayor Sara Countryman and Council Members Kevin Lacey and Julie Davis.

Although Lacey was not re-elected May 7 for Council Place 2, he said he loves the city of Montgomery and is looking forward to free time with his family.

“The folks that are going to come in at the next council meeting, I believe are going to be great. I think they’re going to continue to take this city in the right direction,” Lacey said at the meeting.

Davis lost the May 7 election to fellow Council Member Byron Sanford for mayor.

“Thanks for the opportunity to serve, and it’s been fun,” Davis said at the meeting.

Countryman said she will remain a resident of Montgomery, and being mayor is not the end of her political aspirations. Countryman ran for Montgomery County judge in the Republican primary in March.

“During the last four years we have come a long way, and as I’ve heard it said, ‘Leave a place better than where you found it,’ and I can confidently say so many things have been accomplished, and I’m so proud of each and every council I’ve had the pleasure of serving alongside,” Countryman said at the meeting.