Between two city council meetings and a countywide commissioners court meeting, there is plenty of action going on in Conroe and Montgomery this week, May 22-26. Here are a few things residents should know before starting the work week. 1. Montgomery City Council meets May 23 at 6 p.m. to discuss several agenda items including an alcohol beverage application for China Tasty Restaurant, located at 20212 Eva Street, Ste. 140, use of city street or community center grounds for the Historic Montgomery Business Association Farmer’s Market and possible authorization of the bidding for the Buffalo Springs Drive Bridge repair. The council will also consider a couple of water plant repair projects and may authorize the city attorney to file a lawsuit against Barnier Construction and Sargent Plumbing Company to collect damages to a city water main on Eva Street. The council will also reappoint councilmembers Jon Bickford, T.J. Wilkerson and Dave McCorquodale, who all ran unopposed in the May 6 election. The council will meet at City Hall, located at 101 Old Plantersville Road, Montgomery. To view the full agenda, click here. 2. Montgomery County Commissioners Court meets May 23 at 9:30 a.m. to consider several agenda items including the award of a $100,000 grant for veterans treatment court from the Texas Veterans Commission,  the purchase of a disaster relief vehicle through an interlocal agreement between Houston-Galveston Area Council and Chastang Enterprise, and the design and construction of New Danville Phase 2 water tank. The commissioners will also consider funding for the Montgomery County Jail inmate health care services and funding for Precinct 1’s Lone Star Parkway construction. The commissioners will meet in the Alan B. Sadler Commissioners Court Building, located at 501 N. Thompson Street, Ste. 402, Conroe. To view the full agenda, click here. 3. Conroe City Council meets May 24 at 2 p.m. for the work session and again May 25 at 9:30 a.m. for the action agenda. Agenda items to be discussed include an I-45 frontage road paving project near Grand Central Park, traffic signal improvements at the intersection of FM 1484 and Technology Parkway and allocating $12,000 from reserve Hotel Occupancy Tax funds for marketing of the Annual Greater Houston Coin Club’s Money Show. The council will also consider a awarding a bid for the Windsor Lakes lift station and discuss hotel regulations for the construction of new properties. The council will meet at City Hall, located at 300 W. Davis Street, Conroe. To view the full agenda, click here.