1. The commissioners accepted a $1,595.66 grant from the 2017 NRA Foundation. The grant was awarded to help the Montgomery County sheriff's office pay for equipment.
  2. County commissioners accepted a $34,983 Supplemental Capital Defense Formula grant from the Texas Indigent Defense Commission.
  3. County commissioners voted to commit to a project that would implement a new enterprise resource planning system for the county. The software would update existing county technology systems that are outdated. Tuesday's vote does not approve a contract, rather, it gives county staff the authority to negotiate with vendors.
  4. County commissioners accepted a bid of $2.19 million from TLC Trucking and Contracting Inc. for an expansion of Fish Creek Thoroughfare. The county also accepted a $523,545 bid from Aranda Brothers Construction Co. Inc for a bridge replacement on Alford Road.
  5. Commissioners approved a motion giving the Montgomery County sheriff's office the authority to negotiate with vendors for inmate health care services for the Montgomery County jail.
  6. County commissioners approved a decree stating a widening of Keenan Cut Off Road, along with construction of an overpass, is a necessity. The order also authorizes direct acquisition of property along the roadway.