A hidden speakeasy in an empty Downtown Conroe warehouse is coming soon to Montgomery County. The Conroe Candle Co. and clandestine bar, The Meltdown, will open in late April at 98 Ave. A, Conroe.

Partners Andrew Adams and J. Martini Hospitality President Carlos De La Haba created the combination after selling their Houston Heights '80s-themed restaurant, Hungry Like the Wolf, Adams said in an interview.

"After we [closed], we sat around and talked about what we wanted to do," he said. "We always had everything in Houston, but [Carlos] lives in The Woodlands, and I’m moving to Conroe soon. So, we decided to do something in Downtown Conroe, because we love the small town, entertainment district thing going on."

Adams said the duo decided they wanted to create something secluded, small and unique to the area.

"What we are doing is the definition of a speakeasy to the T," he said. "The destination is a warehouse, and we aren’t changing anything on the outside. The sign will say 'Conroe Candle Company,' which we will sell candles, but the weekly changing of the special candle scent will be the password to slide down the secret shelf to our lounge."

The Meltdown will offer a selection of eclectic cocktails, wines, bar snacks and hard-to-get whiskeys, Adams said. The speakeasy will also include a small, separated cigar lounge.

“It's going to be a different environment, and I think we could be the destination north of The Woodlands for this kind of night life," Adams said. "We like our chances, and I think this will be outstanding.”

The Meltdown and the Conroe Candle Co. will be located across the railroad tracks from Pacific Yard House. Adams said he is expecting to serve approximately 60 occupants at a time.