Steve Jurovic
Hometown: Turtle Creek, Pennsylvania Occupation: business owner 281-391-3656 [email protected] Top priorities: Develop a rental housing ordinance with sex offender and marijuana grow house oversight. Update the city’s home rule charter.
What qualifications do you have to serve on the Katy City Council?
My experience is varied. As a past structural designer and real estate broker with more than 50 years [experience], I have a complete understanding of the infrastructure of cities and understand how to solve related problems. My extensive business experience as a real estate broker and founder of Quality Pro LLC Replacement Windows of Katy and Allstates Barriers located in Katy. I have served the state of Texas as a certified ombudsman in Bryan, providing nursing home visitation and evaluation. [I] also served on the planning and Zoning Commission, Katy; zoning board of adjustment, Katy; and a human relation[s] commission.
What are the three most important issues facing Katy that you intend to deal with if you are elected?
Create a rental housing ordinance with sex offender and [marijuana] grow house oversight. Update the city home rule charter to reflect current conditions, define term limits with total of six years and no further terms. Revise clarify or delete any out of date content. Review all departments, programs and boards that are under council oversight authority. Provide input to council concerning misuse or waste of city property or assets. Study and create limited and no parking areas throughout the city and review parking at the new stadium area.
Katy is experiencing a lot of new residential and commercial growth, in light of the coming population increase what public services will need to be enhanced the most to accommodate these new residents?
Now is the time to look to the social and infrastructure of the city. We need more road signs and crosswalk areas to be designed. Removal of railroad tracks and pave over the removed tracks to eliminate bumps in those areas. Additional street lights are needed throughout the city. To keep up with the diverse citizens now coming into the city, the creation of a human relations commission. That commission would initiate and investigate complaints charging unlawful practices of discrimination against any person because of race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, age, handicap or place of birth.

Steve Pierson
Hometown: Houston, Texas Occupation: Retired 832-661-8800 [email protected] Top priorities: No. 1: public safety. No. 2: mobility. No. 3: infrastructure.
What qualifications do you have to serve on the Katy City Council?
My love of God, honesty, integrity. [I have been a] public servant [for] 40 years: deputy sheriff and sergeant, city council member, mayor pro tem, board of adjustment, Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone, [I served on the] Katy Development Authority. [I am] Texas Municipal League-trained. [I served on the] Katy [Area] Economic Development Council board of governors. I voted to grant a homestead exemption for seniors—$80,000 and lower property tax for the past three years with two more years remaining. [I have also been a] Board chair, [for the] Katy Family YMCA.
What are the three most important issues facing Katy that you intend to deal with if you are elected?
No. 1: public safety. No. 2: mobility. No. 3: infrastructure.
Katy is experiencing a lot of new residential and commercial growth, in light of the coming population increase what public services will need to be enhanced the most to accommodate these new residents?
We must protect our rich heritage and maintain a quality family environment. The safety of our citizens is foremost. All city departments will need to be enhanced.